Monday, December 13, 2010

Final Exam

         English 1301 was helpful course. I learn many different types of essay, from the description, compare and contrast, division-classification, definition, process analyze,  to research argument essay. I learn many strategy we can use in different essay from different approach. Such as description essay, we can start with personal story or something relate to the thesis of the paper. With the description essay, we need to add many vivid information, like how it small, what it look like, what it taste like, or the sound . I also learn the four different type of newspeek and write a paper about how wild spread they are in the ad and our everyday life.
        I like the peer review the most in the course. Even thought I did not like to do it at first, it does help. It gave me the chance to see how other people view the paper. Everyone have different point of view. It also gave me some idea about what could I add or expend the paper a bit and what is not working and I should delete it. From the peer review sheet, I can also know if my organization is working or not. Even though some peer reviewer does not really take their responsibility and was not giving any suggestion, I can still know where can I improve the paper a little according to the peer review paper. It work like a check list for me.
        The last, research argument paper was my least favorite. All the prior essay had topics to choose. I might not like all of them, but I know where to start right a way. With the last essay, we can write whatever topic we want that is controversy. There are plenty of the topic out there and I was not sure what should I pick. After I finally make my choice, I realize most of the source state pretty much the same thing. I had hard time to make it to six pages.
        I am proud of my process analyze essay which I summarize why college student got flunk. I think I done a good job on that one. I find many evidence to support my point and the paper is not too short which most of my papers were.
         If I can change one thing about the course, I will be more interest in the class if you find more video or fun stuff about the subjects instead of just read the book. I found I  zoom out sometimes when you read direct from the book.
        If I was going back and take this course again, I will take more time working on my writting assignment. I pretty much did most of my paper at the last day or two before it was due. If I could finish it early, I can leave it aside for a little bit and come back to revise. Since I always did it in the last second, I have to revise right after I finish my draft which is not very efficient.