Monday, December 13, 2010

Final Exam

         English 1301 was helpful course. I learn many different types of essay, from the description, compare and contrast, division-classification, definition, process analyze,  to research argument essay. I learn many strategy we can use in different essay from different approach. Such as description essay, we can start with personal story or something relate to the thesis of the paper. With the description essay, we need to add many vivid information, like how it small, what it look like, what it taste like, or the sound . I also learn the four different type of newspeek and write a paper about how wild spread they are in the ad and our everyday life.
        I like the peer review the most in the course. Even thought I did not like to do it at first, it does help. It gave me the chance to see how other people view the paper. Everyone have different point of view. It also gave me some idea about what could I add or expend the paper a bit and what is not working and I should delete it. From the peer review sheet, I can also know if my organization is working or not. Even though some peer reviewer does not really take their responsibility and was not giving any suggestion, I can still know where can I improve the paper a little according to the peer review paper. It work like a check list for me.
        The last, research argument paper was my least favorite. All the prior essay had topics to choose. I might not like all of them, but I know where to start right a way. With the last essay, we can write whatever topic we want that is controversy. There are plenty of the topic out there and I was not sure what should I pick. After I finally make my choice, I realize most of the source state pretty much the same thing. I had hard time to make it to six pages.
        I am proud of my process analyze essay which I summarize why college student got flunk. I think I done a good job on that one. I find many evidence to support my point and the paper is not too short which most of my papers were.
         If I can change one thing about the course, I will be more interest in the class if you find more video or fun stuff about the subjects instead of just read the book. I found I  zoom out sometimes when you read direct from the book.
        If I was going back and take this course again, I will take more time working on my writting assignment. I pretty much did most of my paper at the last day or two before it was due. If I could finish it early, I can leave it aside for a little bit and come back to revise. Since I always did it in the last second, I have to revise right after I finish my draft which is not very efficient. 

    Wednesday, November 24, 2010

    Analyzing Bullshit

        The topic of this Penn & Teller's show is about recycling. They are arguing that recycle--which most of us believe is a good thing to do--is pointless. Wasting time, energy, and huge amount of money from our tax. They list the reasons that people believe why recycling is good and prove it wrong point by point. They point out that recycling wast more energy in the process than the overall saving. Second evidence, recycle waste about three times of money than simply throw it away. They also argue that the worker hired for recycle is wasting of the payers' tax money. Next, they indicate that some trees are planted for making paper, like we plant wheat for food. After that, they mention the pollution brought by the recycle was not saving the environment but rather destroy it. One last, they show that if we built a 35 mile wide land fill, it could hold our trash for 1000 years. It's not small but it is just a small part of United States. In addition, the methane producing from the trash can also  be a source for our electricity.

        I think that the evidences they provided are convincing. They not only show their point but also show the interview from the opposite point of view. They proof what we think is correct to do was wrong. Since they do it point by point, it is easy to follow. They did consider the need and desire for their audiences, However, it might make the people with opposite view point angry at the same time.  They build up their logos by providing the data and statistic. They also build up the pathos by interview the expert form both side. I did not see the ethos, unless the cursing could count as ethos.

        The strategies I might use to prove my point is provide  as many data and statistic as I can from both side. 

    Monday, November 1, 2010

    In Class Revising Activities

        As the inflation increasing, the banking industry introduced the automated teller machine (ATM) to respond. By making the money more available to average people, people can simply withdraw from ATM and buy the goods wither they can afford or not. Although ATM was pretty convenience, it also brought some negative effect to average individual. Instead of going to bank during the lunch time, as people used to be, some people went shopping. With a machine-vended money, they can spend even more than with a credit card. Also, since ATM is more convenience than withdraw money with the checkbook, people rarely keep track of their accounts. Another problem is that people who never dream to rob the bank try to trick the machine and got the "free money".  

    Thursday, October 28, 2010

    Chapter 16 Question About The Writer's Craft # 2


        The compare with the roller coaster is show that most people have desire to show they are not afraid. The horror movies provide the violence view to satisfied the desire of the public lynchings  within people. Sick jokes is similar with horror movie as people might laugh at it even if the joke or the movie is not "right" for normal person.

     INNOCENTS AFIELD, by Buzz Bissinger

        The Bissinger used "million" and "just" repeatedly in paragraph three. He use those words to signal the nonexistent and the actual purchases of high school sports. The repetition is pretty effective, in my opinion. The "million" makes the point sounds dramatic and many "just" shows how many people think that the problem is not that important but in reality it is important.

    BLACK MEN AND PUBLIC SPACE ,by Brent Staples

        The author opens the pieces with such a dramatic,yet intentionally misleading, narrative to provide a personal experience and how people automatically assume that black men are murder-to-be or danger stranger even though they are really not. At first, we assume he will mugging or do something bad to the white lady, turn out he was innocent and not want to harm her in any ways. The assumption we make according to the appearance might not be right. Just because he is black does not mean he is automatically bad. 

    Thursday, October 14, 2010

    Chapter 15 page 373

    Question about the writer's craft:

    1. The author use point-by-point method to organize her essay. The reason that the author choose this method may because it is easier to follow. Instead of talking about the two different way separately, she compare both at same time.

    2. I think Cohen is writing for indifferent audience. There are descriptions about the show and the time back to Victorian period. If this paper was for people who already agree with her, the audiences will know what she talking about. Thus the explanation won't be necessary. On the other hand, the paper is not strong enough to convince people who were disagree with her.

    3.Cohen quote from the well known novelist Jane Austen ans Edith Warton in Victorian and Edwardian period..  She choose to quote instead of summarize because it shows the similarity and difference directly. In addition, most people already know the background in the book since they are really famous. The author don't necessary need to review it for the audience.

    Sunday, October 3, 2010

    Chapter 13

    Lutz p.292

        The four questions, according to Lutz, that help people spot the doublespeak are: "Who is saying to whom, with what condition and circumstance, with what intent, ans with what result?" Asking those question would help us under what the author was really trying to said. Whether the speaker was try to hide some information or use irony.

        The term that Lutz use to describe the forth kinds of double speak is "inflated language".  Example: Chrysler "initiates a career alternative enhancement program"  which mean laying off workers.

    First kind of double speak is "euphemism" which use positive word to avoid harsh reality.
    Ex: "passed away" instead of dead.

    Second kind of double speak is "jargon."  Professional language which make simple seems complex. Ex: "organoleptic analysis" for smelling

    Third kind of double speak is "gobbledygook" or "bureaucratese" which overwhelming the audience with words
    Ex: " It is a tricky problem to find the particular calibration in timing that would be appropriate to stem the acceleration in risk premiums creating be falling income without  prematurely aborting the decline in the inflation-generated risk premium."

    Tuesday, September 28, 2010

    Chapter 8, Activity 2

    Simple :
        The parking lot at campus is usually a wide area. The visibility fade at night. You would not be able to identify thing in the dim light. Evildoer can hide behind a vehicle easily and nobody will be there to save you. The parking lot is dangerous at night.

    Complex & Compound-Complex :
        The parking lot at campus is usually wide because of the large amount of students population in the college. As the night falling down, the visibility of most people fade. With the dim light in the area, you would not be able to identify what is going on at the dark. Since the lot is not limit to stuffs and students only, anybody could enter which means the evildoer might hide behind the vehicle without anyone notice. When the accident happen, nobody would be around to help because the park is usually desolate. Therefore, the parking space is a dangerous place at night.

    The simple sentence is straight to the point , but the complex sentence is easier to provide detail.