Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Chapter 8, Activity 2

Simple :
    The parking lot at campus is usually a wide area. The visibility fade at night. You would not be able to identify thing in the dim light. Evildoer can hide behind a vehicle easily and nobody will be there to save you. The parking lot is dangerous at night.

Complex & Compound-Complex :
    The parking lot at campus is usually wide because of the large amount of students population in the college. As the night falling down, the visibility of most people fade. With the dim light in the area, you would not be able to identify what is going on at the dark. Since the lot is not limit to stuffs and students only, anybody could enter which means the evildoer might hide behind the vehicle without anyone notice. When the accident happen, nobody would be around to help because the park is usually desolate. Therefore, the parking space is a dangerous place at night.

The simple sentence is straight to the point , but the complex sentence is easier to provide detail. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Chapter 7 Revising Activity3

  • The point of view keep change from parents, children, and teacher.
  • The thesis for this draft is not very clear for me. The thesis in this draft was one of suggestion for double-income family to reduce the risk for letting little kids stay at home alone. But it never mention other suggestion.
  • Some support point is irrelevant or not true. 
  • Longer school hours doesn't necessary increase the time for teacher to help. Instead, the kid might need to learn more and have even more questions. The parents still need to help their kid with homework.(Paragraph 2)
  •  Longer school will increase the pressure for teacher not relieve . (in paragraph 4.)
The Extended School Day
    Imagine a seven-year-old girl home alone because her parents work till five every night. There are lots of thing could happen to her, whether she is good or not. Being curious could get her in trouble. Accidents could happen even though she did not do anything wrong. In the United States, there are lots of "latchkey" children like this girl. A way to deal with this problem could be the lengthen of school hours for elementary school.  
    The longer school hour allow the parents to concentrate on their job. Parents don't have to worry whether the kid is safe at home by themselves in the work time. The nervousness of letting kids home alone would be solve.  They can still help the kids with homework when arrived home. Extended school could also reduce the financial burden of hiring a home sitter. Having a sitter can increase the budget of family but not necessary solve the question. Parents still need to worry whether the person is reliable or not.
    It's a fact that many students dislike school, which is sad for education in this country. Even so,however, the longer school would benefit the children, too. Obviously, by the time the bus drop them off, one of the parents will be home waiting for them. Longer school hours also provide children opportunity to work on their weak subject. Furthermore, it gives students the chance to participate in extracurricular activities such as  join a science club, play on a softball team, sing in a school chorus, and take an art class.
      Finally, extended day would also benefit teacher. Longer work-hour increase the pressure and responsibility for teacher ,however, increase the wage at the same time. For the teacher who enjoy the times with his or her students, longer school hour also provide them more time with those lovely children. 
    Implementing an extended school day would be expensive, but, according to the benefit of it, I feel that many communities would be willing to finance the cost. The home alone young kids and double-income family need this extended school day now.

In class Activity

Thesis: Wining the lottery may not always be a blessing
Purpose: prevent teenager from false belief
Audience: teenager
Tone: convince
Point of view: Third person
Free write:
  1. Wrong belief that there's no need to work hard
  2. become shopaholic
  3. Could not handle the life after spend all the lottery money.
  4. Safety issue

    Wining the lottery is the dream of most people. Instant way to be rich, why not. However, it might not be a blessing. After wining the lottery, huge amount of money flow into account. "Why would I work hard? I can just buy some more lottery and win the money." The money make us lost our mind and create the wrong belief that hard working was not necessary for life. What are you gonna do with the money? Spend it, of course. Lots and lots of unnecessary stuffs are buying to fill in the house. Then a better, larger house will be the next thing in demand. However, the lottery prise is limited. You don't have unlimited money to spend. What if you spend it all and still want some more? You won't be satisfied with the normal life anymore like we used to. Furthermore, you will worry about your money. You suspect everybody want your money. You could not distinguish the people around you are friends or thief that want to steal the money. Your life might seems brighten at the moment you win the prise, but your life might be turn upside down after won the lottery. Therefore, wining the lottery might not be a blessing. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

In Class Revising Activity

    A car coming rapidly around the curve as I drove down the street. The car did not slow down as it headed toward the traffic light which turned yellow and then red. A young, model dressed couple started to cross the street. "Watch out!" the woman yelled to her husband. The man jumped onto shoulder immediately thus he was not hurt, however, the woman was. Running to a nearby emergency phone, I called the police. The ambulance arrived, but it was too late. The terrible looked driver failed the sobriety test . Furthermore, the police found out that driver had two offenses before. Apparently, the batter way to keep the drunk driver out of road need to be found.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

In-Class Writing

    The article Of Two Mind Of Books is written by Matt Richtel and Claire Miller and published in New York Times. It's about a argument about what is the right way to read. Some people prefer to read from a "actual" book while someone enjoy to read from a  electronic device like ipad or laptop. The authors point out that Mrs. de Halleus "like the smell of the book and the feel of holding it," which is  one of the reason that people prefer old fashion paperback book. From a different point of view, e-book can be more convenience for some person. People can read the book directly on i-pod, e-reader, or other device. You can zoom in or out to the size you feel comfortable. 
    For me, how other people read is not that big of the issue. The thing that matter is the material in the book , not the media. I did not know that it could be such a big issue for some couple in real life. They can still read together just in different ways.