Simple :
The parking lot at campus is usually a wide area. The visibility fade at night. You would not be able to identify thing in the dim light. Evildoer can hide behind a vehicle easily and nobody will be there to save you. The parking lot is dangerous at night.
Complex & Compound-Complex :
The parking lot at campus is usually wide because of the large amount of students population in the college. As the night falling down, the visibility of most people fade. With the dim light in the area, you would not be able to identify what is going on at the dark. Since the lot is not limit to stuffs and students only, anybody could enter which means the evildoer might hide behind the vehicle without anyone notice. When the accident happen, nobody would be around to help because the park is usually desolate. Therefore, the parking space is a dangerous place at night.
The simple sentence is straight to the point , but the complex sentence is easier to provide detail.