Thursday, September 2, 2010

In-Class Writing

    The article Of Two Mind Of Books is written by Matt Richtel and Claire Miller and published in New York Times. It's about a argument about what is the right way to read. Some people prefer to read from a "actual" book while someone enjoy to read from a  electronic device like ipad or laptop. The authors point out that Mrs. de Halleus "like the smell of the book and the feel of holding it," which is  one of the reason that people prefer old fashion paperback book. From a different point of view, e-book can be more convenience for some person. People can read the book directly on i-pod, e-reader, or other device. You can zoom in or out to the size you feel comfortable. 
    For me, how other people read is not that big of the issue. The thing that matter is the material in the book , not the media. I did not know that it could be such a big issue for some couple in real life. They can still read together just in different ways. 

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