Purpose: prevent teenager from false belief
Audience: teenager
Tone: convince
Point of view: Third person
Free write:
- Wrong belief that there's no need to work hard
- become shopaholic
- Could not handle the life after spend all the lottery money.
- Safety issue
Wining the lottery is the dream of most people. Instant way to be rich, why not. However, it might not be a blessing. After wining the lottery, huge amount of money flow into account. "Why would I work hard? I can just buy some more lottery and win the money." The money make us lost our mind and create the wrong belief that hard working was not necessary for life. What are you gonna do with the money? Spend it, of course. Lots and lots of unnecessary stuffs are buying to fill in the house. Then a better, larger house will be the next thing in demand. However, the lottery prise is limited. You don't have unlimited money to spend. What if you spend it all and still want some more? You won't be satisfied with the normal life anymore like we used to. Furthermore, you will worry about your money. You suspect everybody want your money. You could not distinguish the people around you are friends or thief that want to steal the money. Your life might seems brighten at the moment you win the prise, but your life might be turn upside down after won the lottery. Therefore, wining the lottery might not be a blessing.
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